Lifting League Final 2014/going forward 2015



The lifting League finals were held quite late for 2014, I had a difficult time collecting results. Results were not sent to one particular place, instead scattered amongst different media/text/email.

Some not even reported or taken place.

I will come back to that later, first 2014s final!


Because the League is now “national” we had decided on a middle venue, that being Sammy Hayers Oldbury Academy. Thanks Sammy.

A late afternoon meet in the sunny Shire of Birmingham for me, whilst Giles coped with incessant rain in a little village called Barcelona.


The following teams could reach this venue “easily” setting regions and venues are always a bit of a problem.

League winners St Birinus, Core Weightlifting and CF Exeter. St B is a specialist lifting club, the other two are CF facilities. Both the CF teams have quite a serious lean toward weightlifting though.

Thanks to Shaun Harrrison and Alan Court who I presume had it set up before we got there.


We ran two groups as usual, this time though we had three teams involved each group. I quite like the flexibility of the league which allows to change format. Changing the format could be read as making it up as I go along, it isn’t of course.

I decide to score matches with the “Sinclair” formula, adding the 1.3 coefficient to female lifters from the male Sinclair.


Rank 1 lifters;

Nick Cantwell-St B

Ben Harnell-CF Exeter

Stef Owens-Core Weightlifting


Rank 2 lifters;

Robert Green-St B

Tom Collinson-Cf Exeter

Shane Williams-Core Weightlifting


Our “round Robin” system brings lifters out from top to bottom of the order, gives a specific rhythm to the competition. A hard day for the loaders, one of which was Ben Watson medalist from the games.

In the Snatch Nick Cantwell won rank 1, Rob Green rank 2. Both St B lifters showing typical consistency from that team, missing nothing.

Worth noting that 14 lifts were achieved out of 18, in the whole group.


Clean and Jerk showed the same winners, our points system was 2 for a win, 1 for second, 0 for third. So already St B had 4 points, Core 2, CF Exeter 0.


Rank 3 lifters;

Eddie Chambers-St B

Leah Clarke-CF Exeter

Mike Bakewell-Core Weightlifting


Rank 4 lifters;

Josh “Captain” Cox-St B

Ellie Skinner-CF Exeter

Dave Mckay-Core Weightlifting


Again the two St B lifters missed no Snatches, as it’s the most technical lift of the two disciplines it shows the amount of work St B do on this lift.

Winning the first section again, continuing on to win the Clean and Jerk phase too.

Leah Clarke grabbing CF Exeter’s only point, the results were;

St Birinus 8 points

Core Weightlifting 3 points

CF Exeter 1 point


Although late in the season the Final was of a very good standard, it was my first time meeting a lot of these lifers. I don’t know their previous form, I am sure that a few PB attempts were being made though, this makes for an enjoyable comp. With a high percentage of valid attempts, it showed why these teams had made it this far.


The 2015 season is about to kick off;


Lifting League web;


Homepage and South East booking
